Thursday, 17 December 2009

Last 2 days of term

Almost done with winter term in FDA fashion course and i am most def looking forward to the break. I will be researching, sketching and eating all for the new manifesto project witch i am very excited about :)

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Eco/Sustainable/fair trade fashion Debate

The debate was real good... Sarah C was pleased and i took a lot away from it. I did not realize that cows were bred separately for their milk, meat and skin, thats seems stupid to me.
The Judges were 2 to 1 with their final thought, 2 for and 1 against based on the arguments.....
I feel maybe a little more could be done to get us started with a more eco friendly fashion industry but there are a lot of people out fighting and for a starting point its probably where it should be because this stuff takes time to spread and as long as the world as we know it is still here in 70 years or so by then things should have changed for the better.
